Convocation 2021

Called to Preaching, Teaching, and Service:
Women’s Transformative Leadership in the Church, the Academy, and the World

July 26-29, 2021 | A Virtual Gathering

The ATT’s Convocation for 2020 was set to focus on the anniversaries of Lutheran women’s ordination and the impact of women’s leadership in the church, the academy, and beyond. COVID19 forced its cancelation, which means we’ll be continuing with the same theme for 2021. Please join us this July to honor the legacies of women and their leadership.

The schedule reflects the committee’s desire to take advantage of gathering virtually and invite more panel participants from across the globe to honor and celebrate the anniversaries of the ordination of women and women’s leadership in the global church. The proposed times for sessions aims to be attentive not only to time zone differences but also parents of young children.

A special thanks to the 2021 Program Committee: Beverly Wallace, Elyssa Salinas-Lazarski, Kristine Ruffatto, Deanna Thompson